Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Smart old cock...

There is a farmer wanting to get a young cock, because the cock at home is too old. This will certainly make all the hens at home satisfied.

After the farmer bring back a young handsome cock....

The old cock is worried if this newcomer will take over his place. So, he challenge the newcomer.
"Why not we have a competition? Who can run around faster for ten rounds will win all the hens here. Agree?"
The young cock is very confident with his energy. So, he agrees.

And so they race.
At first, the old cock run with all his might, so he take the lead.
But after 3 or 4 rounds, the old cock run out of energy and now the young cock is catching up with the old one.
All the hens are cheering for the young cock.
Just when the young cock is about to take over.....BANG!! A gun shot. The young cock fall dead.
The farmer is standing by the fence, holding a gun, and he said,
"Shit!! They sold me a gay cock AGAIN!!"